How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
The Point of No Return
"The Point of No Return" from "The Phantom of the Opera" is typically performed in the key of E minor. Composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber with lyrics by Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe, the song serves as a pivotal moment in the musical, representing the climax of the Phantom's obsession with Christine. It is performed by the characters Christine and the Phantom, often accompanied by a full orchestra. The song's haunting melody and intense vocals convey the emotional tension and dramatic culmination of the storyline. "The Point of No Return" is renowned for its powerful performances and has become one of the iconic pieces from the musical.

The Point of No Return - O Fantasma da Ópera do fa mi fa sol sol# sol fa sol fa la DO
Past the point of no return , no backward glances RE# RE# FA DO# DO la# DO DO# RE# DO
The games we played till now are at an end do fa mi fa sol sol# sol fa sol fa la DO
Past all thought of "if" or "when" , no use resisting RE# RE# FA DO# DO la# DO DO# RE# DO
Abandon thought and let the dream descend DO DO DO DO DO# fa sol# la#
What raging fire shall flood the soul? la# la# la# la# si fa# re# re
What rich desire unlocks its door? fa# si si DO# la# fa# do# do# do
What sweet seduction lies before us? do fa mi fa sol sol# sol fa sol fa la DO
Past the point of no return , the final threshold RE# RE# FA DO# DO la# DO DO# RE# DO
What warm unspoken secrets will we learn? DO DO DO# fa sol# la# mi fa
Beyond the point of no return RE MI DO la#
You have brought me RE RE MI MI MI DO DO la#
To that moment when words run dry la# la# DO DO DO sol# sol# sol# fa# fa# fa# mi mi . . .
To that moment when speech disappears into silence . . . re re
Silence MI FA# RE# DO#
I have come here MI MI FA# FA# FA# RE# RE# DO#
Hardly knowing the reason why DO# DO# RE# RE# RE# si si si si la
In my mind I've already imagined si DO# DO# DO# RE# RE# RE# si si si si la
Our bodies entwining defenseless and silent la la sol sol sol sol sol sol fa fa fa fa fa re# re#
And now I am here with you , no second thoughts , I've decided . . . re# re re
Decided do fa mi fa sol sol# sol fa sol fa la DO
Past the point of no return , no going back now RE# RE# FA DO# DO la# DO DO# RE# DO
Our passion - play has now , at last , begun do fa mi fa sol sol# sol fa sol fa la DO
Past all thought of right or wrong , one final question RE# RE# FA DO# DO la# DO DO# RE# DO
How long should we two wait , before we're one? DO DO DO DO DO# fa sol# la#
When will the blood begin to race? la# la# la# la# si fa# re# re
The sleeping bud burst into bloom? fa# si si DO# la# fa# do# do# do
When will the flames , at last , CONSUME us? re sol fa# sol la la# la sol la sol si RE
Past the point of no return , the final threshold FA FA SOL RE# RE DO RE RE# FA RE
The bridge is crossed , so stand and watch it burn RE RE RE# sol la# DO fa# sol
We've passed the point of no return