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Pokémon XY Wild Battle Theme

The Pokémon XY Wild Battle Theme, often played in the key of A minor, serves as the background music during intense Pokémon battles in the Pokémon XY series. Composed by Junichi Masuda, the theme captures the excitement and energy of Pokémon battles with its fast-paced tempo and dynamic melodies. As players engage in battles throughout the game, this iconic theme adds to the immersive experience, enhancing the adrenaline-filled moments of competition. With its memorable composition and ability to evoke the spirit of Pokémon battles, the Pokémon XY Wild Battle Theme has become a beloved piece of video game music among fans of the Pokémon franchise.

Pokémon X/Y Wild Battle Theme - Shota Kageyama

Apareceu um Pokémon!

- - - Esperar a introdução acabar . . . - - -

re do . . . sol la la# la fa . . .
Modifiquei as duas primeiras notas , para caber na flauta doce .

mi do . . . sol la la# la DO . . .

DO# la# . . . la# DO DO# DO la . . .
DO# la# . . . la# DO DO# DO FA . . .

sol sol# . . . . . fa . . . . .
Acrescentei essa nota "fa" .
sol sol# . . . . . la# . . . . .
Acrescentei essa parte , pois fica melhor para solar .

re# sol la# DO# RE#
Finalização .

- - - Repete - - -

Parabéns! O Pokémon foi capturado!