Pokémon, short for Pocket Monsters, is a multimedia franchise introduced in 1996 by Game Freak and Nintendo. Initially created as a video game for the handheld Game Boy, Pokémon quickly became a global phenomenon. The game's concept focused on capturing and training fictional creatures known as Pokémon, with players taking on the role of Pokémon Trainers. Due to its immense popularity, Pokémon expanded into various mediums including anime, trading card games, movies, and merchandise. The franchise has introduced 8 generations of Pokémon games, each featuring new regions, storylines, and over 800 unique Pokémon species. With the introduction of the augmented reality game, Pokémon Go, in 2016, the franchise experienced a resurgence in global interest. Furthermore, the Pokémon animated series, starting in 1997, has become one of the longest-running and most successful animated series, with over 1,100 episodes aired to date. Additionally, the Pokémon trading card game, introduced in 1996, remains popular with millions of cards being sold worldwide. Throughout its history, Pokémon has continued to captivate generations of fans, evolving into a cultural phenomenon that continues to thrive today.