How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Adios muchachos compañeros de mi vida
"Adios muchachos compañeros de mi vida" is a tango song composed by Julio Cesar Sanders, with lyrics written by César Vedani. The song was popularized by the renowned Argentine tango singer Carlos Gardel. It was recorded by Gardel in 1934, and it quickly gained popularity due to its emotional and nostalgic lyrics. Carlos Gardel, often referred to as the "King of Tango," was a prominent figure in the history of tango music and his interpretation of this song further solidified its status as a classic. Interestingly, "Adios muchachos compañeros de mi vida" was one of the last songs recorded by Gardel before his tragic death in a plane crash in 1935. The melody of the song carries a tender and melancholic essence, capturing the bittersweet sentiment of saying farewell to friends and loved ones.

Adios muchachos compañeros de Mi vida - Carlos Gardel 1- sol sol sol MI DO DO DO RE si si si DO la RE RE DO DO si la sol sol sol sol DO la la la si sol sol sol la fa sol sol sol si sol sol sol la fa fa fa sol mi sol sol sol MI DO DO DO RE si si si DO la sol# fa re re do do do mi re do 2 e 3 - mi fa mi re# mi DO si mi fa mi re# mi si la sol la sol fa# sol DO si sol la si DO RE MI DO RE DO si DO MI RE DO sol# fa RE DO sol fa# sol si la la sol sol fa# sol si la sol mi fa mi re# mi DO si mi fa mi re# mi si la sol la sol fa# sol DO si sol la si DO RE MI DO RE DO si DO MI RE DO sol# fa RE DO sol fa# sol si la sol fa fa la mi re do 1. Adios muchachos, compañeros de Mi vida, Barra querida de aquellos tiempos. Me toca a Mi hoy emprender La retirada, Debo alejarme de Mi buena muchachada. Adios muchachos. ya me voy y me resigno... Contra el destino nadie La talLa... Se terMinaron para Mi todas Las farras, Mi cuerpo enfermo no resiste más... 2. Acuden a Mi mente Recuerdos de otros tiempos, De los bellos momentos Que antaño disfrute, Cerquita de Mi madre, Santa viejita, Y de Mi noviecita Que tanto idoLatre. Se acuerdan que era hermosa, Mas linda que una diosa Y que, ebrio yo de amor, Le di Mi corazón? Mas el señor, celoso De sus encantos, Hundiendome en el lLanto, Me La llevo. 3. Es dios el juez supremo. No hay quien se le resista. Ya estoy acostumbrado Su ley a respetar, Pues Mi vida deshizo Con sus mandatos Al robarme a Mi madre Y a Mi novia también. Dos Lagrimas sinceras Derramo en Mi partida Por La barra querida Que nunca me olvido. Y al darle, Mis aMigos, El adiós postrero, Les doy con toda Mi alma, Mi bendición.