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Tetris theme original

The original key of the Tetris theme, composed by Alexey Pajitnov, is A minor. The music was created specifically for the popular video game Tetris, developed in 1984. Alexey Pajitnov, a Russian game designer, is the composer of this iconic tune. Interestingly, the Tetris theme is actually a Russian folk song called "Korobeiniki" that dates back to the 19th century. The melody gained worldwide recognition due to its association with the game. It is a fast-paced and catchy tune that perfectly captures the addictive and intense nature of the game.

Tretris theme original

si fa# sol la
sol fa# mi
mi sol si
la sol fa#
fa# sol la si sol mi mi

la DO MI
RE DO si
sol si la sol fa#
fa# sol la si sol mi mi

si sol la fa# sol mi re# fa#
si sol la fa# sol si MI RE#