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Erik Satie, born in 1866, was a French composer and pianist known for his unique and avant-garde musical style. Satie, who paved the way for minimalism and ambient music, was a key figure in the early 20th century Parisian artistic scene. His compositions, characterized by simplicity, repetition, and humor, had a profound influence on composers like Debussy and Ravel. Notably, Satie invented his own musical terms, such as "furniture music" and "gymnopedies," further emphasizing his distinctive approach. Aside from his musical contributions, Satie was also known for his eccentric lifestyle and wit. He was a vegetarian, enjoyed wearing velvet suits, and often added humorous comments to his sheet music. His "Gymnopédies," "Gnossiennes," and "Trois morceaux en forme de poire" are among his most famous and enduring works, showcasing his remarkable artistic vision. Today, Erik Satie is recognized as a pioneer in experimental music, leaving an indelible mark on the history of classical composition.

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Gymnopédie No. 1


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