Omnia is a musical project rooted in Pagan folk and Neoceltic genres, founded in 1996 by Steve "Sic" Evans-van der Harten. Hailing from the Netherlands, the band's unique sound blends acoustic instruments like Celtic harp, bouzouki, and bodhran with modern elements of electronic music. Inspired by nature, spirituality, and mythology, Omnia's lyrics often explore the interconnectedness of humans and the earth. Over the years, they have released multiple albums, including "Sine Missione," "Crone of War," and "Wolf Love." With their energetic live performances and enchanting stage presence, Omnia has gathered a loyal following worldwide. They have appeared at renowned festivals like Castlefest and M'era Luna, captivating audiences with their lively fusion of traditional melodies and contemporary beats. Omnia's dedication to environmental and social activism can be seen through their participation in initiatives promoting sustainability and raising awareness on human rights issues.