How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Termina Field
The original key of Termina Field by Zelda is D major. The music is featured in the video game "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask" and was composed by Koji Kondo. The song is known for its haunting and melancholic melody that perfectly captures the atmosphere of the game's world. It is played during exploring segments in the game where players traverse the vast field and encounter various challenges and puzzles. A curious fact about the song is that its composition includes elements of counterpoint and harmonic layering, making it a complex and immersive piece of video game music.

Termina Field - Zelda re la1 re re mi fa# sol la la la# DO RE DO la# DO la# la la sol la la# la sol fa sol la sol fa mi fa# la# si la re la1 re re mi fa# sol la la la# DO RE FA MI DO# DO# RE RE DO# la la la# RE DO# la fa# sol la# la fa re mi fa# la# si la