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Great fairy fountain

The original key of the song "Great Fairy Fountain" from The Legend of Zelda series is D major. It was composed by Koji Kondo. The piece is often associated with the Great Fairy characters in the game, who provide Link with various upgrades and abilities. A curiosity about the song is that it has become one of the most recognizable and iconic melodies in video game music. The melody itself is enchanting and soothing, featuring delicate arpeggios and a nostalgic atmosphere.

Great fairy fountain - Zelda

LA RE la# sol
SOL RE la# sol
FA# RE la# sol
SOL RE la# sol

SOL DO la fa
FA DO la fa
MI DO la fa
FA DO la fa

FA la# sol mi
MI la# sol mi
RE# la# sol mi
MI la# sol mi

MI la fa re
RE la fa re
DO# la fa re
RE la fa re

LA RE la# sol
SOL RE la# sol
FA# RE la# sol
SOL RE la# sol

LA# RE# DO la
LA RE# DO fa#
SOL# RE# DO fa#
LA RE# DO fa#

DO3 RE la# sol
LA# RE la# sol
LA RE la# sol
LA# RE la# sol

LA la# sol mi
SOL la# sol mi
FA la# sol mi
MI la# sol mi