How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
The Second Dream
"The Second Dream" is a hauntingly beautiful piece of music featured in the video game Warframe. Composed by Keith Power, it serves as the theme for a pivotal moment in the game's storyline, where players uncover the true nature of their character. The music conveys a sense of mystery and wonder, perfectly complementing the narrative's themes of identity and discovery. One interesting fact is that "The Second Dream" has been widely praised by both players and critics for its emotional impact and atmospheric quality. The melody is characterized by ethereal synthesizers, orchestral elements, and a haunting choir, creating a mesmerizing auditory experience that enhances the game's immersive world.

Warframe - The Second Dream - WARFRAME OST - 03 . The Second Dream re . la . . sol la fa . mi . . re . la . . sol la la# la . re . la . . sol la fa . mi . . re . la . . la DO RE MI . re la sol la fa . mi . . do fa mi fa re . . do sol fa sol fa mi . . re mi fa . . re la sol la fa . mi . re fa mi fa re . DO . la# . DO la# la . . la RE MI . . re . la . . sol la fa . mi . . re . la . . sol la la# la . re . la . . sol la fa . mi . . re . la . . la DO RE MI .