How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Crossing Field
"Crossing Field" by LiSA is the opening theme song for the anime series Sword Art Online, originally performed in the key of G major. Sung by Japanese artist LiSA, the song serves as an introduction to the virtual world depicted in the series. Composed by Sho Watanabe, the track reflects the adventurous spirit of Sword Art Online and its themes of courage and determination. An interesting fact is that "Crossing Field" became widely popular among anime fans, contributing to LiSA's rise as a prominent singer in the Japanese music industry. The melody combines energetic guitar riffs with LiSA's powerful vocals, creating an uplifting and catchy tune that captures the essence of the anime.

Crossing Field - Abertura de Sword art online fa mi fa sol re
mitometeta do re fa mi fa sol re
okubyou na kako re fa DO fa
Wakalanai mi re do
mama ni fa mi fa sol re
kowagatteta do re fa mi fa sol DO DO
ushiro no jibun ga genjitsu wo fa fa sol fa
I'ma ni mi fa sol
utsusu la
I fa sol mi do re fa
kutsu mono sora wo re fa
egaita sol fa sol la la#
koko wa kitto sol fa sol fa sol DO la#
hakanai kokoro sol la fa sol
midashite fa sol la DO fa mi
yume de takaku RE DO
tonda La la# la sol la# la
karada wa donna Sol la sol la sol la sol la la# la RE la
fuan mato ttema furiharatteku fa sol la DO fa mi RE DO
nemuru chiisana omoi la la# la sol DO la
hirogarotashite sol la sol la sol la sol la DO la# la RE sol
kidzuku yowai watashi kimi ga ireba fa sol fa DO la
kurai sekai la# la sol sol la re
tsuyoku ireta la la la la sol fa do
nagai yumemiru sol fa mi do re re re
kokoro wa sou eien de sol fa do sol do do mi re
i wanna always stay with you sol do do sol fa mi do re
i give you everything i have