How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Adamas Sword Art Online 3
"Adamas" is the opening theme song for the third season of the anime series Sword Art Online, titled Sword Art Online: Alicization. It is performed by the Japanese singer Lisa and was released on October 7, 2018. The song was composed by Tomoya Tabuchi, who has also worked on other music for the Sword Art Online series. "Adamas" became popular among fans and reached the top of the Oricon Weekly Singles chart in Japan. The melody of the song features an upbeat rhythm with a combination of electric guitars, catchy synth melodies, and Lisa's powerful vocals, creating an energetic and captivating atmosphere.

Adamas - Sword Art Online 3 - Sword Art Online fa# fa# fa# sol# sol# sol# fa# fa# fa# sol# sol# sol# si si fa# fa# fa# fa# fa# sol# sol# sol# fa# fa# fa# fa mi mi si MI FA# si MI FA# SOL# SI si MI FA# si LA SOL# FA# MI si MI FA# si MI FA# SOL# SI DO# SI LA si si MI FA# MI FA# MI ( do# do# do# sol# fa# mi re# re# re# mi re# do# si1 do# ) x3 mi re# si1 mi re# si1 sol1# si1 do# DO# DO# DO# SOL# FA# MI RE# RE# RE# MI RE# DO# si DO# DO# DO# DO# SOL# FA# MI RE# RE# RE# RE# RE# MI SI SOL# DO#3 DO#3 DO#3 SI SOL# FA# MI FA# MI FA# SOL# FA# MI DO# DO# RE# MI DO# MI FA# SOL# LA SOL# FA# FA# MI si SOL# LA SI SI LA LA SOL# SOL# FA# FA# MI MI ( fa# re# mi sol fa# sol la ) SOL MI SI LA SOL FA# RE RE si RE MI SOL MI RE MI FA# SI SI LA ( SOL FA# si MI si FA# MI ) DO#3 SI SI SOL# DO#3 SI SOL# SOL# FA# SOL# FA# SOL# FA# MI si MI FA# SOL# LA DO#3 SI SI SOL# DO#3 LA DO#3 RE#3 MI3 RE#3 DO#3 SI SI FA# SOL# LA SOL# SOL# FA# MI FA# SOL# SOL# DO#3 RE#3 MI3 RE#3 DO#3 SOL FA# MI FA# SOL# DO# MI FA# FA# MI FA# FA# FA# MI FA# MI SOL# SOL# SOL# FA# SOL# SOL# FA# SI MI3 RE#3 SI SOL# SI SOL# FA# DO# SI DO#3 DO# DO# SI DO#3 DO# MI FA# DO# DO# SI DO#3 DO# DO# SOL# LA SI DO#3