How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Happily Ever After
"Happily Ever After" is a song featured in the animated television series "Steven Universe." The original key of the song is G major. It is performed by the characters Steven Universe, Connie Maheswaran, and the Crystal Gems. The song was composed by Rebecca Sugar, the creator of the show, along with Aivi & Surasshu, the show's composers. "Happily Ever After" serves as the finale song for the series, encapsulating themes of love, acceptance, and the journey towards self-discovery. The melody is uplifting and celebratory, reflecting the culmination of the characters' growth and the resolution of their arcs throughout the show.

Happily Ever After - Steven Universe sol# sol# sol# fa# mi fa# sol#
Here we are in the future sol# sol# sol# fa# mi fa# sol# si RE# DO#
Here we are in the future and it's bright MI MI MI
Nothing to fear DO# RE# MI sol#
No one to fight si DO#
I can't MI RE#
Believe DO RE# FA# MI
we've come so far MI MI MI MI MI MI DO# FA# MI MI
Happily ever after here we are sol# DO# RE# MI RE# MI RE# MI
Once upon a time , I thought I'd sol# fa# mi fa# sol# sol# fa# mi fa#
always be in my mother's shadow sol# DO# RE# MI RE# MI RE# MI
Answering for her crimes I thought I'd sol# fa# mi fa# sol# sol# fa# mi fa#
always be in an endless battle DO# DO# DO# si DO# sol#
'Til I began to hone DO# DO# DO# si DO# sol# fa# mi
A power of my own DO# DO# DO# si MI LA SOL# FA# MI RE# DO#
That I could feel growing stronger every day DO# DO# DO# DO# RE# MI DO# SOL# FA# FA# MI MI RE
Not just that , the whole galaxy saved si MI FA#
We did it! SOL# SOL# SOL# FA# MI FA# SOL#
Here we are in the future sol# DO# RE# MI RE# MI RE# MI
Once upon a time I only sol# fa# mi fa# sol# sol# fa# mi fa#
lived to be of Pink Diamond's service sol# DO# RE# MI RE# MI RE# MI sol# fa# mi fa# sol# sol# fa# mi fa#
'Til the day the two of us snuck down to be on this planet's surface DO# DO# si si MI LA LA SOL# SOL#
We became our fantasy DO# DO# DO# si si MI LA LA SOL# SOL#
And I was sure she set me free DO# DO# DO# si MI LA SOL# FA# MI RE# DO#
But in the end , I guess I never left her side DO# DO# DO# DO# RE# MI DO# SOL# FA# FA# MI MI RE#
And after love and loss and all the tears that I cried , si MI FA#
I find that SOL# SOL# SOL# FA# MI FA# SOL#
Here we are in the future sol# DO# RE# MI RE# MI RE# MI sol# fa# mi fa# sol# sol# fa# mi fa#
Once upon a time , a Sapphire came to Earth with her Ruby soldier sol# DO# RE# MI RE# MI RE# MI sol# fa# mi fa# sol# sol# fa# mi fa#
Sapphire's deadly fate was set until the Ruby rushed in to hold her DO# RE# DO# si fa# la sol#
Suddenly they were fusing MI RE# DO# si DO# DO# si
Beautiful , strange , confusing DO# DO# DO# si si RE# MI LA SOL# FA# MI RE# DO#
And there I was , a bundle of questions , so naive DO# DO# DO# DO# RE# MI DO# SOL# FA# FA# MI MI RE#
And if you told me this I never would've believed si MI FA#
you then but SOL# SOL# SOL# FA# MI FA# SOL#
He we are in the future! sol# DO# RE# MI RE# MI RE# MI sol# fa# mi fa# sol# sol# fa# mi fa#
Once upon a time , I burst to life inside of the Kindergarten sol# DO# RE# MI RE# MI RE# MI sol# fa# mi fa# sol# sol# fa# mi fa#
A product of a war that I had no idea I had a part in DO# DO# DO# si DO# si sol#
I came out late and alone DO# DO# DO# si DO# si
Knew nothing but my home DO# DO# DO# si MI LA SOL# FA# MI RE# DO#
But I know now exactly who I'm supposed to be DO# DO# DO# DO# DO# MI MI RE# RE#
And it's a part of this family! DO# DO# RE# MI MI SOL# RE# FA# MI
If I could just stop right here and be DO# RE# MI MI
Finally done DO# RE# MI MI
Finally us DO# RE# MI FA#
Finally we FA FA FA RE# DO# RE# FA
Here we are in the future FA FA FA RE# DO# RE# FA DO# DO DO LA#
Here we are in the future and it's bright! FA# FA# FA# FA#
Nothing to fear RE# FA FA# SOL#
No one to fight FA FA#
I can't LA# SOL#
Believe SOL# LA DO3 LA#
we've come so far DO# DO# DO# DO# DO# la#
Happily ever after la# la# la# la# la# sol#
Happily ever after RE# RE# RE# RE# RE# DO#
Happily ever after FA# FA# FA
Here we are