How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Familiar Steven Universe
The song "Familiar" is a track from the animated TV series Steven Universe. It is written and performed by Steven Universe's voice actress, Zach Callison. The composer of the song is Rebecca Sugar, who is also the creator of the show. "Familiar" was featured in the episode called "Familiar" in season 5 of the series. The song is in the original key of Bb minor and has a slow, melancholic melody. Trivia: "Familiar" is a heartfelt ballad sung by Steven Universe's character expressing his feelings of uncertainty and longing for understanding.

Familiar - Steven Universe - Steven Universe do# sol# la# sol# fa# sol# la# fa# fa re# do# sol# la# sol# fa# sol# la# fa# re# ( FA# FA# RE# ) re# la# si la# sol# la# si fa# fa# fa re# la# si la# sol# la# si fa# fa# fa DO# DO# sol# sol# la# fa# DO# si la# re# si si fa# fa# fa# fa si la# sol# do# DO# DO# sol# sol# la# fa# DO# si la# re# la# si si si si si sol# si si fa do# sol# la# sol# fa# sol# la# fa# fa re# do# sol# la# sol# sol# fa# sol# la# fa# re# re# la# si la# sol# la# si fa# fa# fa re# la# si la# la# sol# la# si fa# fa DO# DO# sol# sol# la# fa# DO# si la# re# si si fa# fa# sol# mi si la sol# do# la la mi mi fa# re la sol fa# si1 sol sol sol sol sol sol sol sol sol la si si si DO# si la si DO# la sol# fa# si si DO# si si la si DO# la fa# fa# DO# RE DO# DO# si DO# RE si la sol# DO# DO# RE DO# DO# si DO# RE si sol# MI MI si si DO# la MI RE DO# fa# MI MI si si DO# la MI RE DO# fa# MI MI si si DO# la MI RE DO# fa# RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE