How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Do it for her
"Do It for Her" is a song from the animated television series "Steven Universe," composed by Rebecca Sugar. It is performed by the character Connie Maheswaran, voiced by Grace Rolek, in the episode "Sworn to the Sword." The original key of the song is F Major. The track was released as part of the official soundtrack album for the show. The melody of "Do It for Her" is characterized by a mixture of uplifting and poignant tones, showcasing Connie's determination and loyalty towards her training partner and love interest, Steven Universe.

Do it for her - Steven Universe - Steven Universe sol SOL FA MI MI RE sol sol LA SOL FA# SOL sol SOL FA MI MI RE DO si la sol sol RE DO si DO la DO si mi la DO RE DO si DO la DO RE DO si DO MI SOL RE# LA SOL MI SOL FA# si MI SOL LA SOL FA# SOL MI SOL LA SOL FA# SOL MI RE DO si DO la DO si mi la DO RE DO si DO la DO RE DO si DO MI SOL FA# si SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL FA FA LA SOL MI SI LA SOL SOL DO si si sol mi mi la si DO la si DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO si sol mi mi la DO RE DO si DO DO DO DO DO DO DO RE si sol sol LA SOL SOL LA SOL SOL MI sol sol sol SOL FA MI MI RE sol sol sol SI LA SOL MI sol SOL FA MI MI RE DO si la sol sol RE DO si DO la DO si mi la DO RE DO si DO la DO RE DO si DO MI SOL RE# LA SOL MI SOL FA# si MI SOL LA SOL FA# SOL MI SOL LA SOL FA# SOL MI RE DO si DO la DO si mi la DO RE DO si DO la DO RE DO si DO MI SOL RE# LA SOL SOL FA# FA# si si la SOL FA# FA# si si la FA# SOL LA SOL FA# SOL MI RE DO si DO sol sol LA SOL FA# SOL sol SI LA SOL SOL FA la sol sol LA SOL FA# SOL sol SOL FA MI MI RE DO si la sol sol RE DO si DO