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Spider-Man - 2002

The theme of "Spider-Man" (2002) by Spider-Man, typically performed in the key of C minor, is the iconic instrumental theme song composed by Danny Elfman for the 2002 superhero film directed by Sam Raimi. It is often regarded as one of Elfman's most recognizable and beloved compositions. The theme captures the essence of the superhero with its heroic and triumphant melody, reflecting the adventurous spirit of the character. Danny Elfman, a renowned composer known for his work in various films, including Tim Burton's Batman and The Nightmare Before Christmas, created the score for the film. Interestingly, Elfman incorporated motifs from his previous compositions to give the "Spider-Man" theme its distinctive and memorable sound.

Homem aranha 2002 tema (easy) - Homem aranha

MI DO la la

la DO RE la
re# la FA MI
re# la si DO#

do# mi fa# do#
mi la si DO

sol# si DO# sol#
la# si
FA# RE# fa# sol#
la re# la# DO