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"Rise" is a song by the American Christian rock band Skillet. Originally released in 2013, the song is performed in the key of C# minor. It was written and composed by the band's lead vocalist John Cooper along with guitarist Korey Cooper and producer Brian Howes. The track is featured on Skillet's ninth studio album, also titled "Rise." Notable trivia about the song includes its usage as the official theme song for WWE's pay-per-view event "Battleground" in 2013. The melody of "Rise" is characterized by a driving rock sound, with strong guitar riffs, powerful drums, and passionate vocals from John Cooper.

Rise - Skillet


mi si la DO
mi si la sol la
mi si la DO
mi si la sol sol la

mi si la DO
mi si la sol la
mi si la DO
mi si la

Parte 1

si1 si1 si1 la1
All I see is
si1 si1 si1 la1 la1
Shattered pieces
si1 si1 si1 la1
I can't keep it
si1 si1 si1 re si1 la1
Hidden like a secret
si la sol DO si
I can't look away
mi mi mi fa# sol mi mi mi fa# la sol
From all this pain in the world we've made

si1 si1 si1 la1 la1
Every day you need
si1 si1 si1 si1 la1
A bulletproof vest
mi mi mi mi sol sol fa# mi fa# mi
To save yourself from what you cold never guess
si la sol DO si
Am I safe today?
mi mi mi fa# sol mi mi mi fa# la sol
When I step outside in the wars we wage

mi mi re re mi si1
Our future's here and now
mi mi fa# sol fa#
Here comes the countdown


sol mi mi sol sol mi mi
Sound it off this our call
mi mi mi fa# sol fa#
Rise and revolution
sol mi mi sol sol mi mi
It's our time to change it all
mi mi mi fa# sol fa#
Rise and revolution

sol sol sol la
Unite and Fight
mi mi fa# sol fa# fa#
To make a better life
sol fa# mi fa# sol fa# mi
Everybody one for all
sol fa# sol fa# mi mi
Sound off this the call

( mi mi sol la
Tonight we rise
rise ) 2x
mi mi sol la
Tonight we rise

Parte 2

si1 si1 si1 la1 la1
Like a hand grenade
si si si si1 la1
Thrown in a hurricane
si1 si1 si1 la1 la1
Spinning in chaos
si1 si1 re si1 la1 la1
Trying to escape the flame
si la sol DO si
Yesterday is gone
si la sol la si la sol DO si
Faster than the blast of a car bomb

si1 si1 si1 re mi
And when the scars heal
si1 re mi
The pain passes
mi mi mi mi sol fa# sol fa# mi
As hope burns we rise from the ashes
si la sol DO si
Darkness fades away
mi mi mi fa# sol mi mi mi fa# la sol
And the light shines on a brave new day

mi mi re re mi si1
Our future's here and now
mi mi fa# sol fa#
Here comes the countdown


sol mi mi sol sol mi mi
Sound it off this our call
mi mi mi fa# sol fa#
Rise and revolution
sol mi mi sol sol mi mi
It's our time to change it all
mi mi mi fa# sol fa#
Rise and revolution

sol sol sol la
Unite and Fight
mi mi fa# sol fa# fa#
To make a better life
sol fa# mi fa# sol fa# mi
Everybody one for all
sol fa# sol fa# mi mi
Sound off this the call

( mi mi sol la
Tonight we rise
rise ) 2x
mi mi sol la
Tonight we rise

Parte 3

mi mi sol fa# mi fa# ( mi mi si la sol DO )
In a world gone mad ( in a voice so sad )
mi mi mi la sol fa# fa# ( si la si )
Sometimes it's crazy ( crazy )
la sol fa# fa# la mi
To fight for what you believe
mi mi sol fa# mi la ( DO si )
But you can't give up ( no )

mi mi mi mi la sol fa# mi ( si la sol sol )
If you want to keep what you love ( keep what you love )
sol fa# mi mi ( si la sol sol )
Keep what you love ( keep what you love )
sol fa# mi mi
Keep what you love
sol fa# fa# mi mi si
Never give up no

( mi
mi mi mi fa# sol fa#
Rise and revolution ) 2x
sol fa# mi fa# sol fa# mi
Everybody one for all
sol fa# sol fa# mi mi
Sound off this the call

Fonte : MuseScore