How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Tema da Abertura
"Tema da Abertura" is the original key of the opening theme song for the Japanese anime series Shin Chan. The music was composed by Toshiaki Yamada, while the lyrics were written by Ai. The song was performed by the Japanese band Yuuzan'ndesu with vocals provided by Yoshito Usui, the creator of the Shin Chan manga. As a little trivia, it is worth mentioning that Usui performed the song in-character as Shin Chan's voice actor. The melody is catchy and lively, featuring a playful arrangement that reflects the comedic and mischievous nature of the show's protagonist.

Shin Chan - Tema da Abertura sol sol sol la si DO
mi mi mi fa# sol la
DO DO DO si la si
2x SOL sol SOL sol sol sol la si DO
mi mi mi fa# sol la
DO DO DO si la si
2x sol sol sol re mi sol sol sol si la sol la sol sol re mi sol DO DO RE RE si la si
sol la si MI RE DO
si la si
sol la si sol sol la la
2x si si sol la sol la si si si sol la sol la si si si sol la si DO RE MI MI RE DO si si sol la sol la si si si sol la sol la si si si sol la si DO RE MI MI FA# FA# si si si si DO si la la MI MI MI MI MI MI DO DO DO si DO si si si si si DO si la la mi fa# sol sol la si DO RE RE si si RE RE si si RE RE si si RE RE si si MI MI si si MI MI si si sol sol la la si si DO DO RE RE si si RE RE si si RE RE si si RE RE si si MI MI si si MI MI si si SOL SOL SOL MI FA# SOL sol SOL