How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
"Sobakasu," the opening theme of the anime series "Rurouni Kenshin" (also known as "Samurai X"), is performed by Judy and Mary. The original tonality of the song is in a lively and upbeat key. Composed by TAKUYA, the song became an instant hit upon its release in 1996, topping the charts in Japan and gaining international popularity. The title "Sobakasu" translates to "Freckles" in English, referencing the song's theme of embracing one's unique qualities. Judy and Mary's energetic performance combined with the catchy guitar riffs and dynamic vocals create a memorable and uplifting melody that perfectly sets the tone for the action-packed series.

Sobakasu - Samurai X mi mi fa# sol# sol la fa fa fa fa sol# sol la fa# fa fa fa sol# sol la la DO DO si si la fa mi mi fa# fa sol# _ sol si si la la sol# sol la re re re fa# fa la la DO# DO si si sol# mi mi mi mi sol# sol la fa fa fa fa sol# sol sol la fa# fa fa fa sol# sol la la DO DO si la la fa _ mi mi fa# sol# si la sol# la re fa# la _ la sol# fa# sol la _ la sol# sol mi mi do# mi fa# fa fa fa sol# sol mi mi do# sol# la la _ la la DO# DO la re fa# la sol# mi mi mi re fa# la sol# _ sol# la si DO# RE DO DO DO# RE RE la sol# la si DO# DO# la la la fa# sol# la la mi sol# la si si fa# la sol# la si DO# RE DO DO DO# re re la sol# la si DO# DO# la la la fa# sol# la sol# re# mi fa fa# mi mi fa# fa sol sol fa# la# si DO# DO# re re fa# la sol# fa# sol sol _ sol sol fa# _ fa la la mi sol# la la la _ la la RE DO# si la sol# la la mi MI RE DO# RE RE la la la mi re DO# si DO# la la