How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Don’t Stop Me Now
"Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen is a popular song performed in the original key of F major. Released in 1978 as part of their album "Jazz," the song was written by the band's lead vocalist and pianist, Freddie Mercury. The track showcases Mercury's energetic and flamboyant singing style, complemented by the band's powerful instrumentation. "Don't Stop Me Now" has become one of Queen's most recognizable songs, known for its upbeat tempo and infectious melody. Interestingly, the song was not an immediate hit upon release, but has since gained immense popularity through its inclusion in various films, television shows, and commercials.

Don’t Stop Me Now - Queen re re do do do mi sol do si sol mi re do
Tonight I'm gonna have myself la real good time mi re do re mi fa sol
I feel ali ve sol la DO sol MI MI MI RE DO la
And the world is turning inside out Yeah! sol MI MI FA MI RE DO# RE MI
And floating around in ecstasy la FA MI RE fa
So don't stop me now FA MI RE
Don't stop me la la fa fa fa sol la si si si DO RE
'Cause I'm having la good time having la good time mi re e do do do mi sol DO si
I'm la shooting star leaping through the sky mi re e do do mi re do re e mi fa sol
Like la tiger defying the laws of gravity mi re re do do sol DO si mi MI MI MI MI RE DO
I'm la racing car passing by
like La dy Godiva mi re do re mi fa
I'm gonna go go go sol sol la si1 DO
There's no stopping me sol MI MI MI RE DO la
I'm burning through the sky Yeah! MI MI MI FA MI
Two hundred degrees RE RE RE DO# DO# DO# DO# RE MI MI RE
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit RE DO# DO# DO# DO# RE MI FA
I'm trav'ling at the speed of light FA FA MI RE DO fa fa fa fa sol sol si
I wanna make la supersonic man out of you do mi sol DO
Don't stop me now mi mi re e do re mi
I'm having such la good time mi fa fa sol mi
I'm having la ball do mi sol DO
Don't stop me now mi mi mi re e do re mi MI MI MI FA MI sol
If you wanna have la good time just give me la call FA MI RE ( RE RE ) fa fa fa fa sol la
Don't stop me now ( 'cause I'm havin' la good time ) FA MI RE ( RE RE ) fa fa fa fa fa sol la
Don't stop me now ( yes I'm havin' la good time ) la si si si DO RE DO
I don't want to stop at all mi re e do do do mi sol DO si
I'm la rocket ship on my way to Mars mi mi re e do do
On la collision course mi re do re e mi mi fa fa sol mi
I am la satellite I'm out of control mi re e do do do mi sol DO si
I am la sex machine ready to reload MI RE RE DO DO
Like an atom bomb mi re do re mi fa sol si
DO about to Oh oh oh oh oh explode MI MI MI MI RE DO la
I'm burning through the sky Yeah! MI MI MI FA MI
Two hundred degrees RE RE RE DO# DO# DO# DO# RE MI MI RE
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit RE DO# DO# DO# DO# RE MI FA
I'm trav'ling at the speed of lightm FA FA MI RE DO fa fa fa fa sol sol sol si1
I wanna make la supersonic woman out of you sol fa# sol sol fa# sol
Don't stop me , don't stop me sol fa# sol
Don't stop me , hey hey hey! sol fa# sol sol fa# sol RE DO si
Don't stop me , don't stop me ooh ooh ooh ( I like it ) sol fa# sol sol fa# sol
Don't stop me , don't stop me fa# sol si1 sol si1 sol
Have la good time , good time sol fa# sol sol fa# sol
Don't stop me , don't stop me Ah MI MI MI MI RE DO la
I'm burning through the sky Yeah! MI MI MI FA MI
Two hundred degrees RE RE RE DO# DO# DO# DO# RE MI MI RE
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit RE DO# DO# DO# DO# RE MI FA
I'm trav'ling at the speed of light FA FA MI RE DO fa fa fa fa sol sol si
I wanna make la supersonic men out of you do mi sol DO
Don't stop me now mi mi re e do re mi
I'm having such la good time mi fa fa sol mi
I'm having la ball do mi sol DO
Don't stop me now mi mi mi re e do re mi MI MI MI FA MI sol
If you wanna have la good time just give me la call FA MI RE ( RE RE ) fa fa fa fa sol la
Don't stop me now ( 'cause I'm havin' la good time ) FA MI RE ( RE RE ) fa fa fa fa fa sol la
Don't stop me now ( yes I'm havin' la good time ) la si si si DO RE DO
I don't want to stop at all