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The Legend of Ashitaka

"The Legend of Ashitaka" from the movie "Princess Mononoke" is an orchestral piece originally performed in the key of C minor. Composed by Joe Hisaishi, the song serves as the main theme for the film, capturing the epic and mystical atmosphere of the story. An interesting fact is that "The Legend of Ashitaka" features a sweeping orchestral arrangement with haunting melodies played by strings and woodwinds, evoking a sense of adventure and wonder. Hisaishi's masterful composition enhances the emotional depth of the film and has become synonymous with the timeless beauty of Studio Ghibli's animated works.

The Legend of Ashitaka - Princesa Mononoke - Joe Hisaishi

do fa DO DO la#
sol# sol do re# fa

fa sol# DO RE#


DO RE# sol# sol do re# fa

do fa DO DO la#
sol# sol do re# fa

fa sol# DO RE#
la# DO

DO DO la# DO fa la#
sol fa sol do

DO DO la# DO fa la#
la sol# sol

sol# la# DO
la# DO RE# DO la#
sol# fa sol#

sol# la# DO
la# DO RE# DO sol#
sol# sol do do re# fa sol#
fa sol# la# sol# la# DO

sol DO
la# sol fa do fa DO DO la#
sol# sol do re# fa

fa sol# DO RE#
la# DO

do fa DO DO la#
sol# sol do re# fa
fa sol# DO RE#


DO RE# sol# sol do re# fa