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Main Theme

The main theme from "Princess Mononoke" is a poignant and atmospheric instrumental piece composed by Joe Hisaishi for the soundtrack of the animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It serves as the musical centerpiece of the movie, capturing the epic scale, mystical atmosphere, and emotional depth of the story. The main theme features orchestral arrangements with sweeping strings, haunting woodwinds, and powerful percussion, evoking a sense of wonder, adventure, and drama. Its evocative melody resonates with themes of nature, conflict, and the delicate balance between humans and the environment, mirroring the film's exploration of these themes. Joe Hisaishi's masterful composition for the main theme contributes significantly to the enduring impact and legacy of "Princess Mononoke" as a cinematic masterpiece.

Princess Mononoke - Main Theme - Joe Hisaishi

do sol sol fa sol
sol la# fa
do sol sol fa sol
sol la#

sol la# DO
DO la# fa sol

fa fa fa sol fa
do sol

do sol sol fa sol
la# fa
do sol sol fa sol
sol la#

sol la# DO DO DO DO DO
DO la# fa sol
fa fa fa sol fa re# do re# re#

DO RE# RE sol
fa la# sol
fa sol fa RE RE RE RE# RE
la# sol RE# RE sol
sol DO la# sol# la#

sol la# DO RE# RE
sol la# DO

sol la# DO RE# RE
sol la# DO

fa re fa mi