How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Mary, did you know
"Mary, Did You Know" is a popular Christmas song originally recorded in the key of B minor. It was written by Mark Lowry, a Christian singer-songwriter and comedian, in 1984. The song gained widespread recognition after being recorded by the a cappella group Pentatonix in 2014 as part of their holiday album "That's Christmas to Me." While Lowry wrote the lyrics, the melody is credited to Buddy Greene, a Nashville-based musician. Interesting trivia about the song includes its inclusion in the Grammy Award-winning album by Pentatonix, which achieved platinum certification. "Mary, Did You Know" features a captivating melody that combines contemporary pop with spiritual undertones, making it a beloved tune played during the Christmas season.

Mary , did you know - Pentatonix Introdução RE RE# DO SOL RE RE# DO SOL RE RE# DO SOL SOL# SOL DO RE RE RE# DO SOL RE RE RE# la# SOL Inicio do re re# fa sol do sol fa re# re la1# do re re# fa re# re do re re# re re# fa sol do sol fa re# re la1# do re re# fa sol# sol sol DO DO DO RE# RE DO la# fa sol sol la# DO DO sol sol# sol fa re# fa sol fa sol sol sol sol# sol do re re# fa sol do sol fa re# re la1# do re re# fa re# re DO la# re# fa sol do sol fa re# re la1# do re re# fa sol# sol sol DO DO DO RE# RE DO la# fa sol sol la# DO DO fa sol sol# sol fa re# fa sol re# fa sol sol sol# sol sol fa re# do la1# do sol DO DO DO DO RE RE RE RE RE# RE DO la# DO la# DO DO DO DO RE RE# RE RE RE# FA RE# RE# RE do re re# fa sol do sol fa re# re la1# do re re# fa re# re DO la# re# fa sol do sol fa re# re la1# do re re# fa sol# sol sol DO DO DO RE# RE DO la# fa sol la# RE# RE DO sol sol# sol fa re# fa sol re# fa sol si DO DO