How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Into the Unknown
"Into the Unknown" is a song from the animated miniseries "Over the Garden Wall." It is performed in the original key, and was composed by Patrick McHale, who also created the show. The song is sung by a character named Anna, who is voiced by Brenda Song. Interestingly, Brenda Song is also known for her roles in other popular TV shows and movies. As for the melody, it is haunting and mysterious, perfectly capturing the sense of adventure and uncertainty that the characters experience throughout the series.

Into the Unknown - Over the Garden Wall sol sol sol sol
Led through the mist sol sol sol fa sol fa
By the milk-light of Moon re# do re# do , si1 do si
All that was lost, is revealed sol1 sol sol sol sol , sol DO si DO RE sol
Our long bygone burdens, mere echoes of the spring sol la do mi sol , sol fa# do mi sol
But where have we come, and where shall we end? sol fa fa fa mi , mi fa do fa sol
If dreams can't come true, then why not pretend? sol la re# mi sol
How the gentle wind sol fa la1 la1#
Beckons through the leaves re re do do si1 la1
As autumn colors fall fa fa mi re fa
Dancing in a swirl fa fa mi re fa mi
Of golden memories mi mi la fa mi do
The loveliest lies of all