"Thriller" is a legendary song by the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Released in 1982 as the seventh and final single from his album of the same name, "Thriller" became one of Jackson's signature songs and a cultural phenomenon. The song was written by Rod Temperton and produced by Quincy Jones. With its infectious beat, catchy chorus, and iconic spoken-word section by Vincent Price, "Thriller" is a quintessential example of Jackson's innovative blend of pop, funk, and R&B. Its music video, directed by John Landis, revolutionized the music industry with its cinematic storytelling and groundbreaking special effects. The song is in the key of C# minor and features a distinctive bassline and eerie synthesizer melodies. "Thriller" won multiple awards, including a Grammy for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance, and remains a timeless classic that continues to thrill audiences worldwide.