"Daze" is a song from the Mekakucity Actors franchise, originally performed in the key of G minor. The music was composed by Jin, a Japanese musician and vocaloid producer known for his work on the Kagerou Project, which Mekakucity Actors is based on. Jin collaborated with Lia, a talented Japanese singer, for the vocals of "Daze." The song was released on August 28, 2013, as part of the album "Mekakucity Records." As for trivia, "Daze" gained popularity due to its inclusion as the opening theme song for the Mekakucity Actors anime series. The melody of "Daze" is characterized by its upbeat tempo, catchy hooks, and a blend of electronic and pop elements. The song has resonated with fans and remains a beloved track within the Mekakucity Actors community.