How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
"Sueña" is a song by the renowned Mexican artist, Luis Miguel. The song is performed in the original key of B minor, showcasing Miguel's impressive vocal range. It was composed by Aureo Baqueiro, a highly respected songwriter and producer in the Latin music industry. "Sueña" is featured on Miguel's album "33", released in 2003. This album was critically acclaimed and received various awards, solidifying Miguel's status as a Latin music icon. Interestingly, "Sueña" was also used as the theme song for the popular telenovela "Amarte es mi Pecado." The melody of the song is melodic and enchanting, carrying a sense of romance and yearning throughout.

Sueña ( O Corcunda de Notre Dame) - Luis Miguel sol sol la si DO DO fa mi fa sol la re
Sueña, con un mañana, un mundo nuevo, do re mi sol
debe llegar la la si DO RE DO RE DO RE DO si DO
Ten fé, es muy posible, si tú estás, sol do mi re
Decidido sol sol sol sol sol la si DO fa
Sueña, que no existen fronteras mi mi mi fa sol la re do do do re mi fa sol
Y amor sin barreras, no mires atrás, la la si DO RE FA MI DO RE DO fa DO
Vive , com la emoción de volver a sentir si la sol MI RE DO
A vivir, la paz. sol sol sol la si DO fa
Siembra en tu camino mi fa sol la re DO SOL MI DO MI FA MI RE
Un nuevo destino, y el so| brillará. la la si si DO RE FA MI DO la
Donde las almas se unan en la la luz RE DO fa sol la si la sol MI si RE DO
La bondad y el amor renacerán. . la DO DO DO la RE MI la la DO DO RE DO si
Y el día que encontremos ese sueño, cambiarás sol sol la DO la SOL LA MI RE DO
No habrá nadie que destruya sol la DO DO RE RE MI
de tu alma la verdad. la la la si DO# RE sol
Sueña, com um mañana fa# sol la si mi re mi fa# la
Un mundo nuevo debe llegar si si DO# RE MI RE MI RE DO# RE DO# RE
Ten fé, es muy posible, si tú estás la re sol mi
Decidido. la la la la la si DO# RE sol
Sueña, que no existen fronteras fa# fa# fa# sol la si mi re re re mi fa# la
Y amor sin barreras, no mires atrás si si DO# DO# RE MI SOL FA# RE si
Donde las almas se unan en luz MI RE sol la si DO# si la SOL FA#
La bondad y el amor renacerá. SOL FA# SOL FA#
Sueña, sueña....