How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Sous les ponts de Paris
Sous les ponts de Paris by Lucienne Delyle is originally composed in the key of G major. The song has its origins in French popular music, where it reflects the romantic and nostalgic imagery of Paris and its iconic bridges. Lucienne Delyle was a prominent French singer in the mid-20th century, known for her emotive voice. The music for this song was composed by Vincent Scotto, a prolific composer of the time, with lyrics by Jean Rodor. A piece of trivia about the song is that it has been performed by various artists, which helped solidify its status as a classic in French chanson. The melody is characterized by its flowing and lilting tune, evocative of leisurely walks along the Seine, capturing the elegance and charm of Parisian life.

Sous les ponts de Paris - Lucienne Delyle do fa sol la DO DO la# la la sol sol fa mi fa do fa sol la DO DO la# la la sol sol fa mi fa sol sol la la sol sol la la sol sol re mi fa mi fa sol sol sol la la sol sol la la sol sol re mi fa mi fa sol do fa la DO fa la do fa sol la la# sol sol la la# DO la# la sol fa sol la re mi fa sol fa mi re do# re sol do fa la DO fa la do fa sol la la# sol sol la la# DO la# la sol fa sol la sol la la# la sol fa do