How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
"Truly" by Lionel Richie is originally in the key of D major. Released in 1982, it was Richie’s debut solo single after leaving the Commodores. The song was both written and performed by Lionel Richie and became a significant hit, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. A notable piece of trivia is that "Truly" earned Richie a Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance in 1983. The melody of "Truly" is characterized by its smooth and gentle progression, typical of a romantic ballad, featuring Richie's distinctive vocal style and emotive delivery.

Truly - Lionel Richie mi fa mi re mi mi
Girl, Tell me only this fa mi re mi mi
That I have your heart re re do#
For always sol fa fa sol fa mi fa fa
And you, want me by your side sol fa mi fa fa mi re do mi fa re
Wispering the words, I'll always love you do la1# do do la
And, Forever fa mi re do do la
I will be your lover fa mi re do la si DO sol
And I know, if you really care do re mi re la sol
I will always, be there mi fa mi re mi mi
I need to tell you this fa mi re mi mi re re mi do#
There's no other love, like your love sol fa fa sol fa mi fa fa
And I, as long as I live sol fa mi fa fa mi re DO mi fa mi re
I give you all the joy my heart and soul can give do la1# do do la
Let me hold you fa mi re do do la
I need to have you near me fa mi re do la si DO sol
And I feel with you in my arms DO mi re la sol
This love will last forever REFRÃO sol sol sol RE mi
Because I'm Truly RE mi fa mi RE mi DO
Truly in love with you girl sol RE MI
I'm Truly RE MI FA MI RE mi DO
Head over heals with your love sol SOL
I need you LA MI SOL
And with your love I'm free