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Still - Lionel Richie

fa# fa fa fa# fa re# do# fa fa# fa re#
Lady , morning's just a moment away
do do# do do# re# fa# fa fa
And I'm without you once again
sol# fa# fa fa
You laughed at me
sol# fa# fa fa re# do# fa fa# fa re#
You said you never needed me
do do# do do# re# fa# fa fa
I wonder if you need me now

fa fa# sol# la# la# la# sol# la#
So many dreams that flew away
RE# RE# DO DO# DO la# la# sol# sol#
So many words we didn't say
do# do# DO# la# la# sol# la#
Two people lost in a storm
RE# RE# la# la# ( sol# )
Where did we go?
la# RE# DO# ( la# )
Where'd we go?
la# la# sol# la# RE# DO DO DO# DO
We lost what we both had found
la# sol# fa sol# l
You know we let each other down

do# fa fa# sol# fa re# do#
But then most of all

sol# fa re# do#
I do love you
fa fa# sol# la# la# la# sol# la#
We played the games that people play
RE# DO DO# DO la# la# sol# la#
We made our mistakes along the way

fa fa# sol# la# la# la# sol# la#
Somehow I know deep in my heart

RE# RE# DO la# sol#
You needed me

sol# la# RE# FA FA# FA RE# RE# DO#
'Cause I needed you so desperately
DO DO# RE# la# sol# fa sol#
We were too blind to see

fa# fa re# do#
But then most of all

fa sol# re# do#
I do love you