How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
How he loves us
"How He Loves Us" is a popular worship song performed by Jesus Culture. It is written in the key of C major and was originally composed by John Mark McMillan. The song was first recorded by McMillan and later covered by various artists, including Jesus Culture. The lyrics of the song express a deep sense of God's love and the overwhelming impact it has on our lives. Some trivia about the song includes its powerful depiction of God's love and the emotional response it evokes among listeners. The melody of "How He Loves Us" is characterized by a simple yet beautiful chorus that builds up with each repetition, inviting the congregation to join in heartfelt worship.

How he loves us - Jesus culture DO la la sol fa fa
He is jealous for me DO la la sol fa DO la la la
Love's like a hurricane fa sol fa sol sol
I am a tree fa sol fa sol sol la la# la
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy fa DO la la la la
When all of a sudden , sol fa DO la la la
I am unaware of these afflictions fa sol sol sol sol la la# la
eclipsed by glory fa sol sol fa sol sol la la# la# la# la#
And I realize just how beautiful you are re# fa fa re# fa fa re# fa
And how great your affections are for me DO , DO la la DO sol
Oh , how he loves us so sol , sol la la# la
Oh , how he loves us sol sol sol la fa
How he loves us so DO DO la la DO sol
Yeah , he loves us DO , DO la la DO sol
Oh , how he loves sol , sol la la# la
Oh , how he loves us sol sol sol la fa
Woah , how he loves DO la la la la
So we are his portion sol fa DO la la la la
and he is our prize , fa sol sol sol fa sol sol sol
Drawn to redemption by fa sol sol la la#
the grace in his eyes la sol sol . . sol sol la la#
If grace is an ocean DO FA FA FA FA
ocean we're all sinking fa DO la la la la
So heaven meets earth sol fa DO la la la la
Like a sloppy wet kiss fa DO la la la la
and my heart turns violently sol fa DO la la la la
inside of my chest FA SOLSOL SOL FA SOL FA SOL
I don't have time to maintain FA SOL SOL SOL LA LA#
these regrets LA LA SOL FA
When I think about the way DO3 DO3 LA
That he LA LA SOL LA# LA
loves us , LA LA SOL LA# LA
Woah , how he loves us LA LA SOL LA# LA
Woah , how he loves us