How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Take Me To Church

Take Me To Church - Hozier si la sol la sol la sol
My lover's got humour sol re mi sol la sol
She's the giggle at a funeral la si RE si la sol la sol
Knows everybody's disapproval sol re mi sol la sol
I should've worshipped her sooner si la sol la sol la sol
If the heavens ever did speak sol re mi sol la sol
She is the last true mouthpiece la si RE si la sol la sol
Every Sunday's getting more bleak sol re mi sol la fa#
A fresh poison each week la si si la
We were born sick sol la la sol
You heard them say it si la sol la sol la sol
My church offers no absolutions sol re mi sol la sol
She tells me : Worship in the bedroom la si RE si la sol la sol
The only heaven I'll be sent to sol re mi sol la fa#
Is when I'm alone with you la si si la sol la la sol
I was born sick , but I love it si si la sol sol
Command me to be well re mi sol la si , DO MI RE DO si , la si DO si , la sol
Ah , amen , amen , amen SOL FA# MI MI
Take me to church MI si si MI si MI si
I shall worship like a dog si FA# SOL FA# FA#
At the shrine of your lies FA# MI FA# MI FA# FA#
I'll tell you my sins FA# MI FA# MI FA# SOL
So you can sharpen your knife SOL RE MI SOL SI MI MI RE
Offer me that deathless death SOL SOL , MI RE MI SOL SOL
Good God , let me give you my life SOL FA# MI MI
Take me to church MI si si MI si MI si
I shall worship like a dog si FA# SOL FA# FA#
At the shrine of your lies FA# MI FA# MI FA# FA#
I'll tell you my sins FA# MI FA# MI FA# SOL
So you can sharpen your knife SOL RE MI SOL SI MI MI RE
Offer me that deathless death SOL SOL , MI RE MI SOL SOL
Good God , let me give you my life re mi sol la si , DO MI RE DO si , la si DO si , la sol
Ah , amen , amen , amen