How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
What A Beautiful Name
"What A Beautiful Name" is a worship song by Hillsong Worship, written and performed in the key of D major. It was released as part of the album "let there be light" in 2016, composed by Ben Fielding and Brooke Ligertwood. The song quickly gained popularity and has become one of the most well-known worship songs worldwide. Interestingly, it holds the record for being the first song in Christian music history to exceed ten million streams on Spotify. The melody is captivating and rich, characterized by soaring vocals and a blend of contemporary and traditional elements, making it a beloved choice for worship gatherings.

What A Beautiful Name - Hillsong Worship You were the Word at the beginning
fa# fa# fa# mi mi re re si One with God the Lord Most High
fa# la si la sol fa# mi Your hidden glory in creation
fa# fa# fa# mi mi re re si Now revealed in You our Christ
fa# la si la sol fa# mi What a beautiful Name it is
sol sol sol sol sol fa# fa# What a beautiful Name it is
fa# fa# fa# fa# fa# mi mi The Name of Jesus Christ my King
sol sol sol sol fa# mi re si What a beautiful Name it is
sol sol sol sol sol fa# fa# Nothing compares to this
fa# la la la re mi What a beautiful Name it is
sol sol sol sol sol fa# fa# The Name of Jesus
fa# mi fa# mi re You didn't want heaven without us
fa# fa# fa# mi mi re re si la So Jesus , You brought heaven down
fa# la si la sol fa# mi My sin was great Your love was greater
fa# fa# fa# mi mi re mi fa# What could separate us now
fa# la si la sol fa# la la What a wonderful Name it is
sol sol sol sol sol fa# fa# What a wonderful Name it is
fa# fa# fa# fa# fa# mi mi The Name of Jesus Christ my King
sol sol sol sol fa# mi re si What a wonderful Name it is
sol sol sol sol sol fa# fa# Nothing compares to this
fa# la la la re mi What a wonderful Name it is
sol sol sol sol sol fa# fa# The name of Jesus
fa# mi fa# mi re What a wonderful name it is
sol sol sol sol sol fa# fa# The Name of Jesus
fa# mi fa# mi re Death could not hold You
fa# la fa# la fa# The veil tore before You
fa# la fa# la fa# You silence the boast of sinand grave
fa# sol la la la sol fa# mi The heavens are roaring
fa# la fa# la fa# The praise of Your glory
fa# la fa# la fa# For You are raised to life again
fa# sol la la la sol fa# mi You have no rival
fa# la fa# la fa# You have no equal
fa# la fa# la fa# Now and forever God , You reign
fa# sol la la la sol fa# mi Yours is the kingdom
fa# la fa# la fa# Yours is the glory
fa# la fa# la fa# Yours is the Name above all names
fa# sol la la la sol fa# mi What a powerful Name it is
sol sol sol sol sol fa# fa# What a powerful Name it is
fa# fa# fa# fa# fa# mi mi The Name of Jesus Christ my King
sol sol sol sol fa# mi re si What a powerful Name it is
sol sol sol sol sol fa# fa# Nothing can stand against
fa# la la la re mi What a powerful Name it is
sol sol sol sol sol fa# fa# The Name of Jesus
fa# mi fa# mi re