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Opening theme

The original key of the opening theme song for High School Of The Dead is E minor. The music was composed by Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets, a Japanese rock band. The song was performed by the same band as well. High School Of The Dead is an anime series that aired in 2010, and the opening theme song, also known as "HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD," perfectly sets the tone for the show's post-apocalyptic zombie storyline. The song's energetic and intense melody, combined with the powerful vocals, captures the spirit of the series and adds to its overall atmosphere. Some trivia about the song is that it features lyrics both in Japanese and English, and it was released as a single on August 18, 2010.

High School Of The Dead - Abertura

re re do si
re mi fa# fa# mi sol
sol la sol fa# sol la sol

sol RE sol fa# mi sol
sol RE sol fa# la sol

sol sol sol sol fa# fa#
fa# la si la sol

sol sol sol sol fa# sol la
si si si si si si si DO si la si si

si re sol fa#

sol DO si si
si si la si re sol sol

sol sol sol fa# sol
sol sol sol fa# sol
sol sol sol la sol la

sol DO si si
si si la si re sol sol

sol sol sol fa# sol
sol sol sol fa# sol
sol sol sol la sol la si si