How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Musica triste Dragon ball Z
Musica Triste Dragon Ball Z, also known as "Sad Song Dragon Ball Z," is a track from the popular anime series, Dragon Ball Z. It is played in the original key and holds a significant place in the show's history. The song is performed by various artists throughout the anime, including Hironobu Kageyama, Masako Nozawa, and Hiroki Takahashi, among others. The composition is credited to renowned Japanese composer Shunsuke Kikuchi. As for trivia, Musica Triste Dragon Ball Z is often associated with emotional moments in the series, particularly during intense or contemplative scenes. The melody itself carries a melancholic tone, characterized by soft piano notes accompanied by strings, creating a somber ambiance that effectively enhances the sentimental impact of the show's narrative.

Musica triste Dragon ball Z - Dragon Ball Z do re# re re# fa re do do sol# la# DO la# sol# sol fa sol sol# re re# fa sol do re# fa sol fa do re do re# re re# fa re do do sol# la# DO la# sol# sol fa sol sol# re re# fa sol do re# fa sol fa do re do re# re re# fa re do do sol# la# DO la# sol# sol fa sol sol# re re# fa sol do re# fa sol fa do re ( 4 seg ) do re# re re# fa re do do sol# la# DO la# sol# sol fa sol sol# re re# fa sol re re# fa sol sol ( 8 seg ) sol sol sol DO DO si DO RE# DO DO RE# FA FA RE# DO RE sol sol sol RE# RE# RE RE# FA FA RE# FA SOL SOL FA SOL SOL# RE RE# FA SOL RE RE# FA# SOL SOL SOL SOL sol