How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Time's Scar
"Time's Scar" is a captivating piece of music featured in the video game Chrono Cross, composed by Yasunori Mitsuda. The song is written in the original key of B minor. It was performed by the world-renowned Slovak National Symphony Orchestra. This iconic composition serves as the opening theme for the game and has gained recognition for its distinctive blend of orchestral elements with ethereal vocals. One interesting trivia about "Time's Scar" is that it was actually a rearrangement of another composition by Mitsuda titled "Scars of Time," which was featured in the game Chrono Trigger. The melody of "Time's Scar" is known for its haunting and melancholic yet captivating qualities, evoking a sense of mystery and adventure as it sets the stage for the epic journey that awaits the players.

Chrono Cross - Time's Scar - Chrono Cross Chrono Cross - Time’s Scar ( Violão ) mi fa# fa# sol RE fa# sol RE mi fa# fa# sol RE fa# sol RE mi fa# fa# sol RE fa# sol RE mi fa# fa# sol . . . MI ( Flauta ) mi si si la sol fa# sol la sol ( la sol ) fa# fa# ( sol fa# ) mi mi si si si DO# RE MI RE ( MI RE ) DO# si la sol la si la ( si la ) la si sol fa# sol sol la si sol la sol fa# ( sol fa# ) mi re si si ( DO si ) la sol fa# mi ( mi re ) mi re mi ( Violino ) la si si si si si si si si DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE DO si DO si la sol fa# la si si si si si si si si DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE DO si DO si la ( Melodia ) mi si mi la sol ( la sol ) fa# sol fa# re mi si1 si mi la sol ( la sol ) fa# sol RE mi si mi la sol ( la sol ) fa# sol fa# re mi si1 si mi la sol ( la sol ) fa# sol RE RE MI . . . RE DO si la sol . . . fa# sol RE . . . si MI . . . RE DO si la sol la si la fa# sol fa# mi MI . . . RE DO si la sol . . . fa# sol RE . . . si MI . . . RE DO si la sol la si la fa# sol fa# mi MI . . . RE DO si la sol ( MI si la ) fa# sol RE si ( si MI si FA# si SOL si ) MI ( RE MI ) RE DO si ( FA# RE ) sol la si la ( RE DO ) si RE MI