How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
My Heart Will Go On
"My Heart Will Go On" is a poignant and iconic song performed by Canadian singer Celine Dion, featured as the theme song for the blockbuster film "Titanic," released in 1997. Composed by James Horner with lyrics by Will Jennings, the song captures the timeless romance and tragic beauty of the film's narrative. With its sweeping orchestration and powerful vocals, "My Heart Will Go On" became one of Dion's signature songs and a global phenomenon, topping charts worldwide and winning numerous awards, including the Academy Award for Best Original Song. The song's evocative lyrics and soaring melody resonate with audiences, transcending generations and cementing its place as one of the most beloved and enduring ballads in music history.

My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion Música tema Do Filme Titanic Introdução: fa sol la si la sol fa sol DO la# la fa re do mi sol sol la la# la sol DO la DO RE DO sol Canto: fa fa fa fa mi fa
Every night in my dreams I see you, fa mi fa
I see you sol la la# la sol
I feel you fa fa fa fa mi fa
That is how I know you fa do
go on fa fa fa fa mi fa
Far across the distance fa mi fa
and spaces sol la la# la sol
between us fa fa fa fa mi fa
You have come to show you fa do
go on fa sol
Near, far, do DO la# la sol
wherever you are la la# la sol fa mi fa
I believe that the heart does mi re do
go on fa sol
Once more, do DO la# la sol
you open the door la la# la sol fa mi fa
And you're here in my heart mi mi fa sol la
And my heart will la# la sol
go on and on Instrumental: mi sol sol la la# la sol fa sol DO la DO RE DO sol ( ou: la DO DO RE DO sol ) Canto: fa fa fa fa mi fa
Love can touch us one time fa mi fa
and last for sol la la# la sol
a lifetime fa fa fa fa mi fa
And never let go till fa do
we're gone fa fa fa fa mi fa
Love was when I loved you, fa mi fa
one true time sol la la# la sol
I hold to fa fa fa fa mi fa
In my life we'll always fa do
go on fa sol
Near, far, do DO la# la sol
wherever you are la la# la sol fa mi fa
I believe that the heart does mi re do
go on fa sol
Once more, do DO la# la sol
you open the door la la# la sol fa mi fa
And you're here in my heart and mi mi fa sol la
my heart will go la# la sol
on and on Instrumental: fa sol la sol la sol fa sol DO la# la fa re do mi sol sol la la# la sol fa sol DO la DO RE MI FA SOL Canto: la si
You're here, mi MI RE DO# si
there's nothing I fear DO# RE DO# si la sol# la
And I know that my heart will sol# fa# mi
go on la si
We'll stay mi MI RE DO# si
forever this way DO# RE DO# si la sol# la
You are safe in my heart sol# sol# la si DO#
And my heart will go on and on RE# DO# si la si DO# RE DO# si la la sol# la si DO# RE DO# si la la
To play "My Heart Will Go On" from Titanic by Celine Dion on wind instruments, focus on capturing the sweeping and emotional melody of the song. The original key is in E major, which may require some adjustment depending on your instrument's range. Pay close attention to the lyrical phrasing and expressive dynamics throughout the piece. Practice producing a smooth and heartfelt tone, particularly in the mid to high registers, to convey the song's romantic sentiment. Be mindful of subtle nuances in the melody, such as grace notes and crescendos, which add depth to the performance. Work on controlled breathing and precise articulation to maintain a seamless and legato musical line, especially during the more tender passages. Experiment with vibrato and dynamic variations to infuse emotion into your playing. Overall, "My Heart Will Go On" presents a moderate level of difficulty for wind instruments, requiring sensitivity, control, and a strong sense of expression to effectively capture its iconic melody and emotional resonance.