How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
Beauty And The Beast
"Beauty And The Beast" is a song by Celine Dion from the soundtrack of the Disney animated film of the same name. The song is originally performed in the key of B-flat major. It was composed by Alan Menken with lyrics by Howard Ashman. Released in 1991, the song became a huge hit, reaching the top 10 on various music charts worldwide. Notably, it won the Academy Award for Best Original Song and the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song. The melody of "Beauty And The Beast" is a romantic and enchanting composition, characterized by soaring vocals and captivating orchestration.

Beauty And The Beast - Celine Dion e Peabo Bryson - - - solo inicio - - - do fa sol la sol fa sol la sol fa la1 do mi fa la1#
Tale as old as time la1 do mi fa sol
True as it can be fa sol la la# DO
Barely even friends DO la# la sol fa
Then somebody bends la# la sol fa re do
Unexpectedly fa# la DO# RE sol
Just a little change fa# la DO# RE MI
Small , to say the least FA# MI FA# LA RE
Both a little scared RE DO# RE MI sol
Neither one prepared la si sol la fa#
Beauty and the Beast re mi fa# sol la
Ever just the same re mi fa# sol la
Ever a surprise re mi fa# sol la
Ever as before la sol fa# mi re
Ever just as sure fa# sol la fa# sol sol
As the sun will rise - - - inicio solo - - - fa# la DO# RE sol fa# la DO# RE MI FA# MI DO# la si si DO# si la si la sol fa# sol la - - - FINAL SOLO - - - re mi fa# sol la
Ever just the same si la la fa# la
Ever a surprise re mi fa# sol la
Ever as before si la fa# mi re
Ever just as sure fa# sol la fa# sol
As the sun will rise si1 re fa# sol do
Tale as old as time si la sol la sol sol
Tune as old as song sol la si DO RE
Bittersweet and strange RE DO si la sol
Finding you can change DO si la sol sol
Learning you were wrong ( la sol mi fa# ) sol# si RE# MI la
Certain as the sun sol# fa# mi fa# sol# fa#
( Certain as the sun ) sol# si RE# MI FA#
Rising in the east sol# fa# sol# si mi
( Tale as old as time ) mi re# mi fa# la1
Song as old as rhyme sol# la fa# sol# mi
Beauty and the beast sol# fa# sol# si mi
( Tale as old as time ) mi re# mi fa# la1
Song as old as rhyme sol# la fa# sol# mi
Beauty and the beast - - - VOCALIZE - - - DO# si FA# MI LA SOL# FA# MI DO# si si1 do# mi fa# si DO# si fa# mi - - - - - - sol# la fa# sol# mi
Beauty and the beast