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Fluorescent adolescent

"Fluorescent Adolescent" by Arctic Monkeys is a song in the key of D major. Released in 2007, it tells the story of a young girl transitioning into adulthood and facing the challenges that come with it. Alex Turner, the lead singer and songwriter of Arctic Monkeys, is the song's composer and interpreter. The song is known for its catchy and energetic melody, blending indie rock and pop elements. As for any curiosity, NOT-FOUND.

Fluorescent adolescent - Arctic Monkeys

Intro :
mi mi mi , fa# sol# si DO#
DO# si fa#
fa# fa# si DO# si
si si sol# fa# mi

mi fa# sol# si DO#
DO# si sol#
sol# sol# DO# si

Verso :
fa# sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# si
You used to get it in your fishnets
sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# si
sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# si sol# fa#
sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# si sol# fa#
sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# si
sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# si
fa# sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# si sol# fa#
sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# fa# sol# si sol#

- -
Refrão :
mi mi fa# mi sol#
Oh that boy's a slag
si DO# si DO# si sol#
si DO# si DO# si sol# fa# mi fa# sol# fa# mi fa# sol#
si DO# si DO# si sol#
DO# si DO# si sol# fa# mi mi fa# sol# si sol#

Repete verso x1
Repete refrão x1

DO# si DO# si sol# fa# mi sol# DO# RE# si DO# sol#

MI RE# si sol#
Where did you go?
MI RE# si sol#
MI RE# si sol# fa#

Repete intro

sol# MI RE# si sol#
Falling about
sol# si la sol# fa# sol# si sol# fa#
You took a left off Last Laugh Lane x3

Repete verso x1

Finaliza com

sol# MI RE# si sol#
Falling about
sol# si la sol# fa# sol# si sol# fa#
You took a left off Last Laugh Lane x2