How to play this song ?
These are single notes, not chords.
Each note must be played individually.
There are different notations, like, A B C , DO RE MI , Sa Re Ga and numeric notation 1 2 3.
Choose one that fits better for you.
You can distinguish the octave by the color of the note and if it is UPPERCASE (high pitch) or lowercase (low pitch). Enjoy
If I Ain't Got You
"If I Ain't Got You" by Alicia Keys is typically played in the key of G major. Released in 2003 as part of her album "The Diary of Alicia Keys," the song was both performed and composed by Alicia Keys herself. It's a soulful R&B ballad that showcases Keys' powerful vocals and poignant songwriting. The track received critical acclaim and commercial success, earning Keys several Grammy Awards nominations. One interesting fact about the song is that it features a prominent piano melody, which is a signature element of many of Alicia Keys' compositions.

If I Ain't Got You - Alicia Keys - - - vocalize - - - RE si la si la si SOL FA# MI RE DO# DO# mi sol la si la si si RE MI RE
Some people live si sol la sol
For the fortune SOL MI RE si RE MI RE FA MI RE
Some people live just for the fame si RE MI RE
Some people live RE MI FA MI RE MI
For the power , RE DO si
Yeah sol mi re sol sol mi sol mi si la
Some people live just to play the game si la si DO
Some people think si DO RE RE RE DO
That the physical things RE RE si
Define DO
What's si DO RE
within DO RE si
And I've been la si DO
There before re RE RE RE DO
That life's a bore RE si
So full la si DO
Of the si DO RE
Superficial - - - refrão - - - SOL LA SI SI SI
Some people want it all LA SI RE3
But I don't SOL SOL LA SI SI
Want nothing at all RE SI SI LA SOL SOL MI
If it ain't you , baby RE SI SI SI LA SOL SOL MI
If I ain't got you , baby SOL LA LA SI SI SI
Some people want Diamond rings si RE3
Some just SOL SOL LA SI SI
want everything SOL SI SI SI SI LA SOL
But everything means nothing RE MI SOL LA RE3 SI LA SI
If I ain't got you LA SOL LA SOL
Yeah si RE MI RE
Some people search si sol la sol
For a fountain si SOL MI RE si RE MI RE FA MI RE
Promises forever young SOL MI RE MI SOL
Some people need SOL LA SI DO3 RE3 DO3 SI LA SI SOL MI
Three dozen roses SOL MI RE SOL MI SOL MI SOL MI
And that's the only way to prove you SI LA
Love them si la si DO
Hand me the world si DO RE RE RE DO
On a silver platter RE RE la si
And what good DO si DO RE
Would it be DO RE DO RE MI
si la si DO With no one to share , RE RE RE DO
with no one who RE si la si DO
Truly Cares si DO RE
for me - - - refrão - - - SOL LA SI SI SI
Some people want it all SOL SI RE3
But I don't SOL SOL LA SI SI
Want nothing at all RE SI SI LA SOL SOL MI
If it ain't you , baby RE SI SI SI LA SOL SOL MI
If I ain't got you , baby SOL LA LA SI SI SI SI
Some people want Diamond rings si RE3 SOL SOL LA SI SI
Some just want everything SOL SI SI SI SI LA SOL
But everything means nothing RE MI SOL LA
If I ain't got RE MI SOL
Some people want it all SOL SI RE3
But I don't SOL SOL LA SI SI
Want nothing at all RE SI SI LA SOL SOL MI
If it ain't you , baby RE SI SI SI LA SOL SOL MI
If I ain't got you , baby SOL LA LA SI SI SI
Some people want diamond rings SI RE3
Some just SOL SOL LA SI SI
Want everything SOL SI SI SI SI LA SOL
But everything means Nothing RE MI SOL LA
If I ain't got RE3 SI LA SI
You LA SOL SI LA SOL RE MI RE MI RE si la sol la
If I ain't got you with me Baby , RE SOL RE MI SOL
Said nothing in this SI LA LA LA SI LA LA SOL MI
Whole wide world don't mean a thing RE SI LA LA SOL SI LA
If I ain't got you with me , SI LA SOL MI RE MI RE MI RE si la sol la