Sword Art Online 2

Sword Art Online 2 is a popular Japanese anime series that serves as the second season of the Sword Art Online franchise. The show, which premiered in July 2014, revolves around a virtual reality game called Gun Gale Online (GGO). In GGO, players use firearms and engage in intense battles. The storyline follows the protagonist, Kirito, as he investigates a mysterious in-game character known as Death Gun. The season comprises 24 episodes and received positive reviews from both fans and critics. Additionally, the opening theme song, "IGNITE," performed by Eir Aoi, became a chart-topping hit in Japan.

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Sword art online 2


Sword art online 2

199 0 0 diatonic Anime
Sword Art Online 2


Sword Art Online 2

209 0 0 diatonic Anime