SpongeBob SquarePants is an iconic animated series that has left a significant impact on pop culture, including the music scene. Created by Stephen Hillenburg, the show premiered on Nickelodeon in 1999 and quickly gained popularity for its catchy tunes and sing-along moments. One of the most memorable songs from the series is the "F.U.N. Song," performed by SpongeBob and Plankton in an attempt to teach the latter about the true meaning of fun. Another notable musical moment is "Sweet Victory," which was featured in the popular episode "Band Geeks." This song, performed by an animated band during a football halftime show, has become a beloved anthem for SpongeBob fans. Additionally, the show's theme song, composed by Derek Drymon, Stephen Hillenburg, and Mark Harrison, has become instantly recognizable and is often sung by fans around the world. SpongeBob SquarePants has not only brought laughter and enjoyment to millions but has also proven itself to be a musical and cultural phenomenon.