Naruto is a popular Japanese anime and manga series created by Masashi Kishimoto. It follows the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja with a dream of becoming the strongest ninja in his village. The series began serialization in 1999 and ran until 2014, spanning a total of 72 volumes. Naruto gained immense popularity worldwide due to its engaging storyline, unique characters, and action-packed scenes. It was adapted into an anime series, with a total of 720 episodes, and several movies and OVAs were also produced. The success of Naruto led to the creation of a sequel series titled Naruto Shippuden, which continued the story and aired from 2007 to 2017, spanning 500 episodes. In addition to its anime and manga, Naruto also inspired a range of merchandise, video games, and even a live-action stage show. The series remains an influential and beloved franchise in the anime and manga community.