Guilty Crown

Guilty Crown is a Japanese anime series produced by Production I.G and directed by Tetsuro Araki. It aired from October 2011 to March 2012. The show's soundtrack, composed by Hiroyuki Sawano, gained much attention for its captivating and atmospheric music. The opening theme song, "My Dearest" performed by supercell, was a notable hit and reached high positions on Japanese music charts. Additionally, "Euterpe" performed by the character Inori Yuzuriha (voiced by Eri Kitamura) became another popular song from the series. Guilty Crown's music not only played a significant role in enhancing the show's emotional impact but also garnered a dedicated fan following, showcasing the importance of music in the anime's success.

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Guilty Crown

My Dearest

Guilty Crown

192 0 0 diatonic Anime
Guilty Crown

The everlasting

Guilty Crown

191 0 0 diatonic Anime