Gravity Falls

Gravity Falls is an American animated television series created by Alex Hirsch that aired from 2012 to 2016. Set in the fictional town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, the show follows the supernatural adventures of twins Dipper and Mabel Pines, who spend their summer with their great-uncle (or "Grunkle") Stan at the Mystery Shack. Gravity Falls gained a dedicated fan base for its imaginative storytelling, well-rounded characters, and a blend of mystery, comedy, and drama. It received critical acclaim for its complex plotlines, clever humor, and attention to detail, with references to various conspiracy theories and cryptic puzzles. The series concluded after two seasons, but its popularity has endured, with fans eagerly dissecting each episode and creating fan theories.

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Gravity Falls

Gravity Falls Main Title Theme

complet with intro

Gravity Falls

215 0 0 diatonic Movies-TV
Gravity Falls

Tema de Abertura

Gravity Falls

190 0 0 diatonic Movies-TV
Gravity Falls

Opening theme

Gravity Falls

297 0 0 diatonic Anime